• Inner Leadership - Outer Change

    Playing your part in transforming our world

  • "You are one of those people who has made me believe,


    in the power of the human heart and the difference we can make as individual persons in a world that sometimes feels insane"


    You matter.

    What you care about counts.

    Do something about it!

    Step into your Inner Leadership for Outer Change . . .

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  • What is Inner Leadership for Outer Change?

    We live in extraordinary times - times of uncertainty, turbulence and great opportunity.


    Many of us sense a more balanced and peaceful world is possible - and we're the ones being called to create it!


    You may already be acting for the changes you're passionate about seeing in the world or you may not yet know what to do - or how to do what you're wanting to do. Your willingness and desire to act for change is what counts. Thank you for that!  


    Everyone has unique gifts, skills and experiences to offer in acting for change.


    Inner Leadership for Outer Change (ILOC) is about stepping up to play your unique part in creating change in the world.


    This is about learning to live and act from connection - with yourself, others and the whole. It's a journey into empathy and deep compassion for yourself as well as others. And it's about bringing all of who you are to your action for change.


    This is about celebrating your magnificence, brilliance as well as flaws - and learning to see the same in those around us - including those you may fear or loathe such as the Trumps of the world.


    This is for you if:

    • You're looking to increase your impact and leadership as a changemaker while avoiding overwhelm and burnout
    • You're looking for more authenticity and alignment in your life and in your actions for change
    • You hold a vision for change in our world and you long to play your part in bringing this about
    • You feel passionately about the need for change yet sometimes feel overwhelmed with concern, paralysed by not knowing what to do and detached from mainstream society
    • You'd value space to reflect and connect 
    • You're looking to resource and inspire yourself to step more fully into your 'Inner Leadership for Outer Change'
    ILOC work:
    • Workshops and residential retreats
    • One on one coaching and constellations sessions
    What you get:
    • Insights into the underlying causes of the mess we are currently in
    • Tools, resources and inspiration to develop your 'Inner Leadership for Outer Change'
    • Personal plans for staying grounded, resilient and resourced
    • Space to reflect and consider how you are being called to contribute
    • Deep connection with yourself, like-minded community and the natural world
    Content - workshops and retreats:

    ILOC workshops and retreats include deep sharing, embodied and intuitive exercises, creative expression as well as reflective time in nature. The work draws on inspiration and material from Charles Eisenstein, Joanna Macy, Inner Transition, Non-Violent Communication, Zen coaching, systemic constellations and leadership development, amongst others. In addition Debbie works very intuitively and responsively to what is alive in the group at any given moment which gives the events an extra level of real depth and quality. This is further enhanced by the stunning retreat centres and surrounding landscape where retreats and workshops take place.


    Inner Leadership for Outer Change will equip you to find your unique place and to stand in your power for change in the world. Come and join this extraordinary journey!

  • What is Inner Leadership for Outer Change? - videos

    Debbie Warrener has developed her ILOC work over the past 10 years. The following videos share key elements of it.

    Living Wild and True

    ILOC is about permission to be wildly and truly ourselves - living in ways that enable us to feel fully alive!


    In this short video from Debbie's solo art exhibition in Oct 2016 she shares why her art is part of her 'wild and true' and poses the question for you - what's Your 'Wild and True'?


    See Debbie's top tips for Living Wild and True below and sign up for her weekly email tips

    Holding Hope and Concern

    ILOC is about balancing our concern for the scale of the challenges we face with actively holding and working for hope and change.


    In this short video Debbie shares what gives her hope despite the challenges we face.

    Knowing the 'New and Ancient' Story of the People

    Charles Eisenstein brilliantly articulates the 'story of separation' from self. other and the natural world we've been conditioned into.


    But this is only one story - one perspective. The truth is we are fundamentally connected with each other and the natural world in myriad ways - this is what he calls the emerging 'new and ancient' story of the people.


    In this video Charles Eisenstein brilliantly outlines these two stories.

    Living Wild and True - top tips!

    Tip 1


    Tip 2




    Tip 3



    One key reason Debbie created Inner Leadership for Outer Change



    Interview with Azja of Hive Dalston - her top tips for changemakers



    Interview by Cordelia Sophia

    Being Wild & True - What does it mean to find your voice?



    Short session providing food for thought on our relations with others - for She Leads Change course



  • When and Where

    Opportunities to develop your Inner Leadership for Outer Change

    Retreats, workshops and other opportunities coming up

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    Increasing our impact as changemakers

    day workshop

    Play, connection with nature, deep sharing and wild visioning!


    A day of tools, resources and inspiration to increase your impact as a changemaker. Space to consider how you're being called to contribute and how to stay grounded, resourced and resilient.


    A nourishing day in Frome, Somerset.


    Sat 23 June, 10-5pm

    BOOK here


    £60 / £45 conc. Lunch and refreshments included

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    Living Wild & True in 2018

    iloc introductory weekend - uk

    Weekend retreat at the magical Minstead Study Centre, New Forest

    Step up in your impact as a changemaker in 2018. Find your authentic 'thing'. Avoid burnout and overwhelm. And lean in to the support of your tribe and the magic of nature. Treat yourself or a loved one to a wonderful transformative boost!


    Fri 25 May - Sun 27 May 2018

    BOOK here - Early Early Bird to end Feb 2018 / Early Bird to end Mar 2018


    £250 Early Early Bird / £275 Early Bird / £325 Full Price

    Book together reduction also available


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    Inner Leadership - Outer Change

    Journey together, change the world

    core programme - uk

    Three connected retreats at the magical Minstead Study Centre, New Forest

    Step powerfully into your Inner Leadership for Outer Change. Play the part you were born to play in changing our world! Journey together with your tribe over 5 months to deeply explore living from compassion and connection in your changemaking and in your life. Increase your impact, really find balance in care for self, others and the planet and reignite your creativity, wildness, joy and play as you powerfully change the world!


    Fri 22 Jun - Sun 24 Jun 2018 - Sowing Seeds - digging deep

    Fri 7 Sep - Sun 9 Sep 2018 - Blooming & Blossoming - living in gift

    Fri 9 Nov - Sun 11 Nov 2018 - Letting the Leaves Fall - standing in true power


    £775 Early Early Bird / £885 Early Bird / £995 Full Price

    Early Early Bird to end Feb 2018 / Early Bird to end April 2018

    For further information and bookings get in touch via the Contact form

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    Living Wild & True in 2018

    ILOC introductory weekend - sweden

    Weekend retreat at magical Sörbynaturhälsogård, Halland in West Sweden

    Step up in your impact as a changemaker in 2018. Find your authentic 'thing'. Avoid burnout and overwhelm. And lean in to the support of your tribe and the magic of nature. Treat yourself or a loved one to a great kick-start to the year!


    New dates tbc


    For further information and bookings get in touch via the Contact form

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    Inner Leadership - Outer Change

    Journey together, change the world

    core programme - sweden

    Three connected retreats at magical Sörbynaturhälsogård, W. Sweden

    Step powerfully into your Inner Leadership for Outer Change. Play the part you were born to play in changing our world! Journey together with your tribe over 6 months to deeply explore living from compassion and connection in your changemaking and in your life. Increase your impact, really find balance in care for self, others and the planet and reignite your creativity, wildness, joy and play as you powerfully change the world!


    Fri 16 Mar - Sun 18 Mar 2018 - Sowing Seeds - digging deep

    Fri 15 Jun - Sun 17 Jun 2018 - Blooming & Blossoming - living in gift

    Fri 21 Sep - Sun 23 Sep 2018 - Letting the Leaves Fall - standing in true power


    For further information and bookings get in touch via the Contact form

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    Increasing our impact as changemakers

    short workshop

    Interactive and inspiring workshop sharing my top tips to increase both your impact and fun - while also changing the world!


    Recent events: Impact Hub Islington, Impact Hub Brixton and the Hive Dalston.


    Get in touch to discuss a workshop for your organisation or community

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    Gaia constellations

    a powerful tool for changemakers

    Gaia constellations uses the systemic constellations method most well known as family constellations to explore our wider family relationships with the earth.


    In constellations different people speak for different parts of the system. Feelings and insights from the different parts of the system and their relationships give new information about the issue being explored.


    Introductory workshops as well as constellations in support of specific local or global issues can be arranged.


    Get in touch to discuss Gaia constellations for your project or specific issue

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    Inner Leadership - Outer Change coaching

    personal support

    Personal coaching packages available for a limited number of people.


    Get in touch for more details

  • Who

    Debbie Warrener - ILOC Leadership facilitator, coach and artist

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    Debbie Warrener is an experienced leadership facilitator and coach who's been running workshops and retreats internationally for changemakers and wannabe changemakers to step into their full potential, passion and purpose for the past 8 years. She's passionate about people finding their inner ‘sparks’ and aliveness and shining out brightly for change in the world.


    Debbie trained in leadership and coaching with the Coaches Training Institute and has also trained with, amongst others, Joanna Macy and Charles Eisenstein. She's also a systemic constellations facilitator and regularly facilitates Gaia constellations exploring big challenges of our times.


    A fluent Japanese speaker, Debbie’s background is in languages and international development. She's also a wild and expressive artist who's had a number of successful solo shows often exploring facets of 'wildness'. (The next one's in June 2018 in London - details on portfolio website below). She also co-created a performance in 2012 called ‘Edges of the Wild’ exploring our relationship with the natural world.


    For more on Debbie's other activities see:



  • In the media

    Recent media coverage of Inner Leadership - Outer Change work

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    29 January 2018

    Radio interview on Marlow FM - the Watt Next show (all things being eco)

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    4 September 2017

    Radio interview on Marlow FM - the Watt Next show (all things being eco).

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    Inre ledarskap för yttre förändring

    Inner leadership for outer change

    16 February 2017

    Article published in Swedish newspaper, Landets Fria.

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    31 October 2016

    Radio interview on Marlow FM - the Watt Next show (all things being eco).

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    För att förändra världen mäste vi själva förändras

    To change the world we must change ourselves

    February 2016

    Article published in Åland magazine, Bladet.

  • What previous participants say

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    "I could not ask for anything more relevant and deepening in this time, nor think of anything that could support my growth more"



    "Thank you really is not enough! The example you are, the insights you convey, the inspiration, the events and the processes you have made possible, are all such precious gifts."


    "Inspired and deeply nourished by this amazing weekend. Thank you for facilitating in a way that brought out the best in all of us: joyfully, intelligently, warm"

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    "mindblowingly presence-and-aliveness-evoking in a truly magical way"


    "What you do, and what a group can do together with your guidance, is sooo beautiful"


    "Thank you lovely beautiful Debbie for your work that has helped me think this way and work with myself in a deeper and more compassionate way than ever before"

  • ILOC Blog

    Various thoughts and musings on the theme of Inner Leadership - Outer Change

    26 de abril de 2018
    What is wild? For us? For you?! It's a potent time of year in the Northern hemisphere to be...
    19 de abril de 2018
    This week we’re having a bit of a heat wave in the south of the UK. And it feels long overdue!...
    I love this Chinese Taoist proverb. Maybe you’ve heard it before. It’s the one where a wise old...
  • Get in contact!

    Do say hello if you have a question or query - we'd love to hear from you!

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    Follow us on social media here!

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